We protect the intangible assets of your success
Intellectual property and its management is our horse. Due to the spectrum of clients we serve in this regard, we have dealt with both copyright in the blockchain and the use of other people's trademarks in film or modifications of patents for scientific purposes. Therefore, we will help in every aspect of intellectual property law — portability, commercialization of R&D, procedure for obtaining patents, registration of trademarks and much more — our lawyers have a very wide experience in the field of IP. Intellectual property legal advice is our specialty.
We design and analyze all types of contracts related to copyright, including in the field of technology transfer or advertising and film production. We represent our clients in the field of claims, including litigation concerning, among others, violations of copyright, property and personal rights, e.g. in the event of “plagiarism”. We provide comprehensive legal services to design agencies, advertising agencies, event organizers, etc. We examine the legal status of the rights held, and in case of irregularities — we indicate corrective actions. Protecting the copyrights and intellectual property of our customers is a priority for us.
Trademarks and Internet Domains
We register trademarks in the national, Community and international systems. We investigate registrability and search for collision markings. Trademark registration is one of our main areas of business. We file objections to trademark applications, in particular before the Polish Patent Office, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). We pursue violations of trademark rights before common and administrative courts. We help with the registration of domains in bad faith.
Industrial Designs, Patents and Utility Designs
We register designs and inventions in the national, community and international systems. We investigate patentability or registrability and conduct a state of the art study. We create descriptions and submit inventions in order to obtain a patent. We design and analyze contracts transferring rights to designs and inventions, license agreements and others. We pursue violations of the rights to inventions and designs, in particular before the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), as well as before common and administrative courts. Resolving intellectual property disputes is an area in which we have extensive experience.
Unfair competition
We assist in combating unfair competition, in particular in the protection of trade secrets, similarity of products and markings, unfair use of reputation. We advise on the dissemination of false or misleading information about the entrepreneur. We represent our clients in the pursuit of claims, including litigation concerning unfair competition. The legal aspects of intellectual property protection in business are an area that we know very well.
Permanent support for creative
We comprehensively serve designers, software houses, advertising and interactive agencies, design studios, production houses, architectural studios, clothing companies, as well as music labels and publishing houses. We create and analyze contracts. We consult the legality of the activities and carry out the implemented solutions. We provide feedback and monitor the implementation of advertising campaigns, communication solutions and promotional sales forms. We advise on the use of the image of third parties and other people's works in public actions. How to protect your intellectual property? Sometimes we answer these types of questions several times a day.
Commercialization of research and development projects
We support the commercialization process, including the creation of spin-off and spin-out companies, we design and analyze contracts for the use of the commercialized project by external entities or sales agreements. We advise companies interested in cooperation with scientists.
IP Box
Not sure if your business qualifies for IP Box? Do you want to structure the contract so that there are no problems with accounting for it under this relief? We consult on the issues related to the aforementioned relief for innovators and adapt the documentation related to it. Many of our lawyers specializing in the protection of intellectual property will help in any situation.