Case studies
Paula Pul
Paula Pul
21 July 2016

Lawmore represents bValue in the investment in CallPage

We are very pleased to inform you on the investment of the fund bValue in CallPage. In this transaction Lawmore represented the fund, while the transaction itself was the first investment of bValue. The investment value reached PLN two million, in two tranches. The obtained funds are to be allocated to employment of further persons, product development and increase of sales in foreign markets

Ross Knap, Andrey Tkacziw and Sergey Butko, co-founders of CallPage | picture—press materials

CallPage is a website plug-in which enables contact with a potential client in less than 30 seconds. If a visitor of a website is interested in the offer and has further questions, he/she enters his/her contact details and the company calls him/her back in a quick and comfortable manner. CallPage operates, among others, on the website, which gathers 141 thousand physicians and enables users to make an appointment. CallPage was founded by Ross Knap, Andrey Tkacziw and Sergey Butko.

bValue is a fund co-founded by, to name a few, Rafał Brzoska (inPost), Tomasz Misiak (WorkService) and Marian Owerko (Bakalland). It is managed by Maciej Balsewicz and Mariusz Turski. bValue is already working on further transactions.


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