Paula Pul
Paula Pul
3 July 2018

LAWMORE as an advisor of—a co-investment of 4 European VC funds

Uncategorized (packhelp) obtained another founding round. The company gained funding from 4 European Venture Capital funds: Speedinvest x of Vienna-Germany, PROFounders of London, Polish Market One Capital, and Apostolos Apostolakis from a fund VentureFriendas of Athens. The invested amount reached PLN 9 million.

We are happy to inform you that in this transaction we represented the interests of Packhelp. The company will use the obtained funds mainly for international expansion. It should be added that just one year ago, in the first founding round conducted by Kogito Ventures, the company gathered PLN 1.5 million (we represented the interests of the investors then). enables its clients to design and order packagings with their own print. Today, the company has more than 5,000 clients from 29 European countries. Solutions of the Polish startup are used both by small companies and global corporations. (packhelp) has obtained another founding round. The company gained funding from 4 European Venture Capital funds: Speedinvest x of Vienna-Germany, PROFounders of London, Polish Market One Capital, and Apostolos Apostolakis from a fund VentureFriendas of Athens. The invested amount reached PLN 9 million.

We are happy to inform you that in this transaction we represented the interests of Packhelp. The company will use the obtained funds mainly for international expansion. It should be added that just one year ago, in the first founding round conducted by Kogito Ventures, the company gathered PLN 1.5 million (we represented the interests of the investors then). enables its clients to design and order packagings with their own print. Today, the company has more than 5,000 clients from 29 European countries. Solutions of the Polish startup are used both by small companies and global corporations.

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